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Celebrating the 2024 PhotoWork Junior Fellows

©Molly D’Arcy

Our inaugural PhotoWork Junior Fellowship has come to a close. Over the past six months, our three Junior Fellows have grown creatively under the guidance of their dedicated mentors. This time of exploration and discovery has allowed them to push the boundaries of their practice, experiment with new techniques, and deepen their connection to photography. We are grateful for their hard work and passion throughout this mentorship and celebrate their remarkable progress.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to our exceptional mentors, Doug DuBois, Andrea Modica, and Kristine Potter. Their guidance and generosity have had a profound impact on the lives and artistic practices of our fellows. We are also deeply grateful to picturehouse + thesmalldarkroom for their donation of in-kind services and comprehensive post-production guidance to each of our fellows.

The PhotoWork Junior Fellowship is a six-month mentorship that serves early-career photographers in developing a body of work and refining their visual voice and creative process through the guided mentorship of a select group of established photographers working within the post-documentary tradition.

2024 Junior Fellows

Mentor: Andrea Modica

Molly D’Arcy is an American artist living and working in New England. During her time as a Junior Fellow she continued working on a long term body of work exploring themes of human experience, journeying, destination, and eternal quests for a deeper life purpose. She refined her use of composition, attention to visual patterns, and approach to portraiture, while continuing to develop her skills in the darkroom. Molly said of her experience, “It is by far the most transformative, challenging, and enriching artistic experience I’ve ever had. I grew more as a photographer over the past six months than I did over four years of undergraduate photography classes.”

©Molly D’Arcy

©Molly D’Arcy

Mentor: Doug Dubois

Brandon Holland is an art and documentary photographer living in Baltimore and New Orleans. During his time as a Junior Fellow he developed his project ‘All of Me Remembers’ exploring his identity and place within the greater African diaspora. With the guidance of his mentor he gained confidence in using the view-camera, participated in his first exhibition, and received his first published assignments. Brandon said of his experience, “My biggest advancement has been learning to let the work guide the way. Now I’m in a place where I’m not so limited by my own ideas of what I’m going out to make- I’m more open to what the world presents me with. It has helped me to find more pieces of my voice.”

©Brandon Holland

©Brandon Holland

Mentor: Kristine Potter

Will Suiter is an artist working in photography, based in Humboldt County, California. During his time as a Junior Fellow he continued to develop a personal project exploring his personal narrative and the rural lifestyle he lives. His time with his mentor helped him to gain more confidence in speaking about his work, explore editing and sequencing in a new light, and further develop his inner voice and ideas. Will said of his experience, “What feels like possibly the most important specific advancement in my body of work during this time has been arriving at the realization that I need to lean more into my personal narrative and story, and let place show itself through the pictures. This was Kristine’s suggestion, and one of the notes I took that has resonated with me the most.”

©Will Suiter

©Will Suiter